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SEND Service Reorganisation

The SEND team at Wood St have been reorganising how SEND officers will be allocated to children with EHCs. The new system will be implemented in March. Rather than SEND officers being allocated according to where a child lives and their postcode which is the current system, they will instead work with children according to their school.

Schools have been grouped into clusters with SEND officers allocated to the clusters There will be 12 clusters across early years, primary and secondary, post 16 and special schools. Through conversations with schools, the team has agreed how they will work together. To provide a clear guidance of delivery, a memorandum of understanding has been developed between the SEND service and schools.

This document will ensure that it is clear how they arrange reviews and attend co-production meetings.

The different clusters are grouped into 2 teams and each team will have a team leader:

  1. Clusters A, B, C, Early Years, Whitefields and Joseph Clarke (not Post 16) will have Raju Ahmed

  2. Clusters D,E,F , Post 16 and Hornbeam Academy will have Peter Dolor

Clusters are attached HERE

Contact details for the SEND Officers stay the same and are HERE

New SEND Team Email

The team now has a new general email if you need to contact them here:

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